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Knackered Seeks Comfort (Food) with Benzos


Knackered Seeks Comfort (Food) with Benzos

   Hey there, Knackered here. If the dark and dreary of the Northern climes is jeopardizing  your sanity at this time of year, there is hope out there.  

   While those of capable means may bug out for the warmth of the tropics, we who remain at home may find comfort in food.  

   Among the many personal favorites, mac and cheese will soothe the palates and tummies for those able to tolerate the high end of carbs and calories.  If you’re able to throw caution to the wind, you’d be interested to know that the combination of pasta and dairy originated in Italy, migrated on to France, eventually winding up in the Americas.  

   Once a food for the rich and famous, the stuff has found its way into boxes and onto hamburgers in take away joints.    Mac and cheese clubs can receive the mail out ‘version of the month’ right along side their  tasteful wine and ‘Home Chef’ deliveries.  

   If you can’t get off with the whole pasta thing, you may find your way into meatloaf and gravy, chicken soup, or chili.  Grill up some melted toasted cheese sandwiches if you’re in dire straits and be sure to heat up some tomato soup to go with.  

   If you can get to the store before the next blizzard, go ahead and stock up on bottled water, kitty litter and extra batteries.  But before you exit, be sure to grab anything chocolate.  Nutella will go fast, so before the shelf empties, grab off a jar or two.  And be sure to grab the candy bars on the way to the register.  

   Bread and milk will disappear quickly, but there’s plenty of other good stuff to carry you through.   Frozen chicken wings, pizza and the makings, alongside nacho ingredients will stay edible long after the power goes out.  

   If your culinary talents include the fireplace, hot dogs, and instant coffee might just make your day.  And while the holiday fire is glowing, bend up a couple of coat hangers for the kids and let them melt a s’more or two. A camp out on the living room floor may even appease them for a night or two while school’s temporarily out of session.  

   If you shudder in horror at the junk others find comforting, you can always do things the ‘right way’ if you must (warning-boring).  Root cellars harbor stuff that can be consumed during the cold months.  Things like carrots, potatoes, and onions, garlic, radishes and yams, beets and turnips will be pulled from the garden and hung to dry and consume.  And while you’re at it, green veggies are out there in the produce section or you may have grown your own.  Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbages, kale, leeks and parsnips are hardy winter veggies that will stand the test of time.  

   Although it may hurt the hearts of some, research has determined that humans have forced themselves past the evolutionary need for hibernation.  At some point, you will need to reemerge and do what needs must.  The first thing bears do is look for food.  When it comes right down to it, we’re not that much different.  Of course we’re not.  


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